Why Choose Hoan My Laboratory Centre?

Why Choose Hoan My Laboratory Centre

Hassle-Free Appointment Scheduling

At Hoan My Laboratory Centre, we have made it incredibly convenient for you to schedule appointments. You can book your appointment with just a few simple steps, ensuring a seamless and efficient testing process. Enjoy the best healthcare experience with ease.
Why Choose Hoan My Laboratory Centre

GLP Automatic Testing System

This powerful tool ensures the accuracy and reliability of your test results. It helps minimise the risk of human error and enhances efficiency and consistency in the testing process. Additionally, GLP saves time and costs.
Why Choose Hoan My Laboratory Centre

Professional Laboratory Team

When you choose to get tested at Hoan My, every test is conducted by our team of professional and highly skilled laboratory specialists. You can expect the utmost professionalism, technical expertise, and maximum reliability for your test results.
Why Choose Hoan My Laboratory Centre

Convenience Sampling

The variety of sampling methods offers flexibility for you to select based on your needs, all while maintaining the quality and efficiency of the testing process.

Medical Testing Packages

We have created diverse test packages to meet your periodic health check and management needs. All are designed to provide everyone with comprehensive diagnostic, monitoring, and treatment solutions.
Medical Testing Packages
Gói xét nghiệm mỡ

Gói xét nghiệm mỡ đo lường nồng độ HDL và LDL cholesterol trong huyết thanh, giúp đánh giá các nguy cơ tiềm ẩn về bệnh tim mạch và đột quỵ.

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Medical Testing Packages
Gói xét nghiệm chức năng thận

Gói xét nghiệm chức năng thận sẽ đánh giá hiệu suất của thận bằng cách đo nồng độ của nhiều khoáng chất, chất điện giải, proteins và glucose trong máu.

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Medical Testing Packages
Gói xét nghiệm chức năng gan

Gói xét nghiệm chức năng gan đánh giá 07 thông số thiết yếu trong máu để đảm bảo mức độ bình thường của chức năng gan.

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Medical Testing Packages
Gói theo dõi bệnh đái tháo đường

Gói theo dõi bệnh đái tháo đường gồm 04 xét nghiệm quan trọng nhằm cung cấp các thông tin cần thiết để hỗ trợ quá trình điều trị bệnh đái tháo đường.

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Medical Testing Packages
Gói sức khoẻ tim mạch cơ bản

Gói sức khỏe tim mạch cơ bản cung cấp các xét nghiệm cần thiết nhằm đánh giá tổng quan tình trạng sức khoẻ và các nguy cơ đi kèm.

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Medical Testing Packages
Gói xét nghiệm chức năng tuyến giáp cơ bản

Gói xét nghiệm chức năng tuyến giáp giúp đánh giá và phát hiện các vấn đề liên quan đến tuyến giáp, bao gồm các bệnh và các rối loạn tuyến giáp.

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Medical Testing Packages
Lipid Panel

This test package measures the HDL and LDL cholesterol levels in your serum to assess the risk of heart disease and stroke.

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Medical Testing Packages
Kidney Function Panel

This test package evaluates the efficiency of your kidneys by measuring the levels of various minerals, electrolytes, proteins, and glucose in your blood.

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Medical Testing Packages
Liver Function Panel

The liver function test package assesses seven essential parameters in your blood to ensure your liver functions normally.

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Medical Testing Packages
Diabetes Monitoring Panel

The diabetes monitoring test package includes four crucial tests that provide valuable information to help you monitor your diabetes treatment progress.

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Medical Testing Packages
Basic Heart Health Panel

The basic cardiovascular health test package offers an overview of your health status and associated risks.

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Medical Testing Packages
Basic Thyroid Function Panel

The thyroid function test helps assess and detect issues related to the thyroid, including thyroid diseases and disorders.

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Preparing for Your Visit


Please bring proper identification for your outpatient laboratory appointment. Hoan My laboratories require us to ask for patient identification at the time of registration. Please note without this identification your appointment will be delayed until you provide the correct identification. Patients can bring one of the following to use as acceptable forms of identification.

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Preparation Guideline

Preparation Guideline
Fasting Information
Fasting is required in some instances to ensure the accuracy of general testing. Please refer to the following fasting instructions.
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Urine Patient Collection Instructions
This information provides details guidance on the standardised process of collecting urine samples to ensure the accuracy and reliability of test results.
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